Sunday, February 3, 2013

2B Challenge 2 - My Mick Mick

AV, F/6.3, ISO 200

Aperture Priority is my favorite mode and I love working with my macro lens.  I was looking forward to doing some work behind the lens for this week's challenge ... and I hope I will still get to it, but for now, I remain focused on my Mick-Mick.  We are a family with rescued pets, he's one of five dogs and two cats.  Unfortunately, we are losing our special boy to cancer and it's breaking our hearts in a million pieces. He's been sick on and off since June and then recently started losing weight ... rapidly and he's little anyway.  We just learned Saturday that he has cancer and that he won't be with us much longer.  For those who have lost a pet, you know what my husband and I are experiencing.  For weeks, I have fallen asleep at night praying that God will heal my Mick-Mick, tears upon tears have been shed to which I can find no end.  My heart remains so heavy and I still pray for a miracle, trying to accept that God perhaps has other plans for one of the biggest loves of our life.  After all, we know he's an angel.  I have so many photos of Mick-Mick.  He has always been one of my favorite subjects to photograph, never shy around the camera at all.  For some reason, the one above is the image that spoke to me the most for this post.  Before getting sick, he was a strong young man with a personality that could never be matched.  When I say that he will be sorely missed, that's an understatement.  As he slowly and surely slips away, I consider each day we have with him a blessing with hope that we may still experience a miracle.